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Weather Winter in Style

Leah Chan -
When the cold weather hits, our outfits tend to be a bit more function over style - winters in Canada don’t exactly make for the best runway after all. Gloomy skies, polar vortexes, snow ploughs and puddles of slush everywhere you turn, it can be hard to find inspiration. That’s why we connected with long time Andrews ambassador, Rose Francella, to help you find a new outlook. Our team stopped in on her at home with an almost unlimited wardrobe and asked her how she weathers the winter with style. 
What are some must-have features you look for when shopping for winter outerwear? 
Whether I'm walking the dog, grocery shopping, going to work or heading out for dinner, it is so important that my coats are somewhat fitted, warm and stylish.  
Do you have any go-to pieces or fabrics you gravitate towards when the weather is cold? 
My go-to pieces for winter are joggers, leggings and warm sweaters; preferably cashmere and the warmest down filled coat Andrews carries. 
The winter can be a dreary time for many, how do you stay positive 
and inspired? 
We stay positive during the cold winter months by keeping active as a family. We spend time skiing, and hiking with Lola, our Cane Corso. We wind down by watching movies together. 
How does that play into the way you dress in the winter? 
I like to feel good about myself because that encourages me to stay positive. Warmth and comfort are always key when I'm out running errands or heading to work. I really don't own anything that isn’t warm enough and comfortable enough to get me through our long and cold winters. 
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